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Shipping & Delivery

Posted by Unknown

How can I track my package?

If tracking information is available, you can track your package via the Your Orders page. Just click "Track Package" next to the delivery you want to follow.

Why isn't there tracking information for my order?

If you don't see any tracking data for your shipment and the estimated delivery date has not yet passed, your package should still arrive on time. You can find some common reasons why tracking information is unavailable on our Tracking Shipments Help page.

Why didn't my order qualify for FREE Super Saver Shipping?

Both the items ordered and the shipping address need to be eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping. Our FREE Super Saver Shipping page has more information about what items and addresses are eligible.
How can I track my package?

If tracking information is available, you can track your package via the Your Orders page. Just click "Track Package" next to the delivery you want to follow.

Why isn't there tracking information for my order?

If you don't see any tracking data for your shipment and the estimated delivery date has not yet passed, your package should still arrive on time. You can find some common reasons why tracking information is unavailable on our Tracking Shipments Help page.

Why didn't my order qualify for FREE Super Saver Shipping?

Both the items ordered and the shipping address need to be eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping. Our FREE Super Saver Shipping page has more information about what items and addresses are eligible.


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Shipping & Delivery

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